We removed the rail and bracket shelving in the living room and large bedroom as well as some random-ass shelving and weird things attached to the wall. Then some sweeping and vacuuming throughout and hands and knees floor scrubbing in the big bedroom to reveal some much-improved hardwood floors:
As a reminder, this is what they looked like before. They are still pretty icky with a lot of wax buildup, but it's a start. I had only enough elbow grease for one room, so the other rooms will get the same treatment tomorrow.
Mom scraped soap scum off the bottom row of tiles and removed the bits of decrepit caulk that were left around the tub. Then I impressed her with my mad-crazy caulking skills (hey, I like having good looking caulk, so I'm pretty well practiced) so that the bathtub can be cleaned tomorrow for the first time in goodness knows how long without risking sending more water into the rotting subfloor (the contractor who visited on Friday said there's no risk of me falling through any time soon, so I might as well clean the bathroom so I don't have to look at this nastiness any longer than necessary). Photos to come for sure!
Also up on the agenda for tomorrow: removal of jasmine from the front porch and carport to open it up and demolition of the infested wooden shed at the back of the house.
I'm also getting some help from Nancy who has given me some 1920's oak flooring salvaged from her house remodel. I sure hope I can put it to use! For now, it's going to live in the garage and hopefully not get eaten by my resident termites.
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