Friday, September 26, 2008

weekend project decision time

Well, it's Friday afternoon, and that means it's time to decide which project I'm going to tackle this weekend.

Given the economic downturn of the past few weeks and the continued downward trend of home prices, I'm going to be doing lots of minor improvement projects to The Dump so I can postpone the full remodel until a more fiscally prudent time. I'm still going to take care of the foundation and drainage stuff ASAP, but the big, extensive, expensive work is going to have to wait.

Since I don't know exactly when the remodel is going to happen now, I'm motivated to get my stuff out of storage since I'd like to put that $202/month to better use. Obviously, it's easier to work on the house when there is nothing around, so I'm queuing up tasks like crazy.

Here's the short list of what needs to happen so I can move out of storage and into the house:
1) Tent for termites

Back bedroom:
1) paint
2) repair popped floor planks
3) figure out some sort of insulating covers for both windows before winter since they leak like crazy
4) possibly refinish floor

1) Sand and repair cabinets
2) paint (walls and cabinets)
3) pull up linoleum floor tiles
4) refinish wood floor (if possible) or install new vinyl peel-and-stick-floor tiles
5) figure out some sort of back splash solution (to replace the crappy vinyl tiles used last time the kitchen was "upgraded")

Living Room:
1) paint
2) install drywall over fireplace opening since it has no damper inside
3) possibly refinish floor

Given that I am away 12 out of the first 17 days of the month and EVERY weekend in October (Boston, Amsterdam, SF-Nike marathon, and Seattle), I'm guessing I'll move out of storage over Christmas break. I hope the foundation work will be done by then. I'm going to go ahead and paint when I can and will repair cracks, touch up paint etc rather than wait to start all the superficial work.

That brings me back to what project to tackle this weekend. It needs to be something I can complete in one weekend otherwise it will likely sit unfinished for approx 1 month. I'm leaning toward starting kitchen paint prep. If I'm lucky, I'll get it all primed by the end of the weekend. Those cabinets are going to take quite a bit of work...

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