My crops got off to a good start, but took a hit due to a prolonged absence in August. An automated sprinkler system is on the agenda for this year, even though that makes it difficult to utilize my rain barrels (which, BTW, are already full for this season). Hmmm. I'll need to ponder a solution for that. However, I did learn that zucchini and yellow squash are abundant producers, even with minimal attention, tomatoes are not so forgiving of inconsistent watering, I needed about five sugar snap pea plants instead of one, cucumbers and melons are not something I will try again and corn is not worth the space it takes when I can get big juicy ears from the farmer's market (my six stalks produced three ears, all of which were about 4" long).
Well, I got the front finished, and a bit of each side (the bits that are visible form the street!), and that's about it. Definitely need to pick up the pace this coming summer.
There has been A LOT of progress in the kitchen, which of course pleases me to no end. after all, the kitchen is the proverbial heart of the home, and as most of you know, I do like to spend my free time cooking and baking.
Along the way in The Dump's history, someone thought peel and stick vinyl floor tile would make a good backsplash behind the sink. You can sort of see it in the first photo of this post. That was a lazy attempt to avoid installing new window casing trim after pulling out what I suspect was some funky 50's tile backsplash. Well, those damn vinly tiles kept popping off, so finally, in a fit of irritation, I started to yank them off. However, that revealed that the self adhesive was not enough and so the installer used some construction adhesive, leaving a gooey mess that could not be removed, even with the strongest solvents. Unable to decide what to do with that, I just lived with it. For a year. I finally decided that some beadboard paneling would work nicely:
However, the biggest improvement in the kitchen to date is the new floor I installed during my five weeks of furlough in Nov/Dec:
I did some super-badass reglazing of some windows that were in bad shape, but that doesn't have much visible wow factor, so I have no photos. Suffice to say that I did feel very proud of myself for accomplishing that project and will be attempting further window repairs in the spring.
While handing out candy on Halloween, I met some neighbors for the first time (Jana, husband whose name I cannot recall, and their A-dorable little boy, Joe). They live across the street and a few houses down in a super-cute house with a very tidy yard. Jana made my day by telling me "Your garden always looks so nice with all the flowers you have, and your tulips last spring were spectacular." Little do they realize I am plotting to overthrow them for the "cutest house on the block" award. However, since this is what my next door neighbor's front yard looks like, I don't think I'll have much competition:
1 comment:
So glad to see a new post!!! I was going through withdrawls!!! love seeing how your little house is progressing.
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