Friday, December 7, 2007

Holiday cheer

I toyed with the idea of not getting a Christmas tree this year since I'm still basically camping in The Dump, but then I decided The Dump and I could both use some holiday cheering.

I purchased and decorated my tree last weekend, hung a string of the big bobble lights on the front gutter, and put a wreath on the door as well as one over the fireplace. My halls are suitably decked and it's actually quite pretty! You almost don't notice the cracks in the walls and ceiling, and since I've laid out a rug, the hardwood floors look respectable.

I hadn't been home at that small window of time where there it's dark enough to see the lights, but there is enough ambient light for The Dump to show up in a photograph. I should be able to accomplish that this weekend.

Also on tap for this weekend is to weed my flower bed. I see lots of weeds sprouting up over there! It rained for two days this week, so I hope the ground will release the weeds without too much fuss.

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