Monday, May 19, 2008


Holy cats! It's been a long time since I posted anything. Don't worry... you're not missing out on progress at The Dump--nothing has happened. Work got, well, to put it lightly, hellish. I gave myself the mental allowance of doing nothing until May 1 and am stunned to realize it's already May 19 and I haven't fired it back up yet.

The worst happening since my last post is that my car got broken into a few weeks ago and my bag with my computer (and phones) was stolen. That means all my remodel files and ideas that were on that computer are gone. So sad. Also lost are the photos I had recently taken of the yard that I had every intention of posting to pass off as "progress" (hey, growing ginormous roses takes work!).

After last week's heat wave, the item "attic fan" is definitely getting upgraded to high priority for the remodel. I don't plan to install central AC (the code regulations on required ductwork are supposedly ridiculous), so a super-premium attic fan will be in order--The Dump gets quite toasty and even with all windows and doors open, it catches NO breeze. Good to know.

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