Monday, February 11, 2008

Wrapping Up Design

Herman and I have been exchanging e-mails over the past two weeks to tweak and fine tune the drawing that will be used for permit application. He is coming out to The Dump tonight so that we can bang out the last few details and wrap it up.

In preparation, I took blue masking tape and taped out where some new windows will be going. What seemed fine and dandy in a 2D birds-eye view is not so ideal in application. I discovered that I had estimated too large for the windows that will flank the fireplace, so, with the help of the tape, I have re-scaled my expectations there.

I also taped out where I'd like the architectural feature of the fireplace to go (trying to add more vertical interest instead of the short and squatty fireplace I presently have. I also taped out where a 40" flat panel TV will go. Y'know, I have to make sure it will fit and look good.... :) It's a bit high at the moment given how close the couch is (hey, the room is small), so I'll adjust it downward and can easily go smaller based on the tiny viewing distance.

Forgot to take pics of my tape masterpiece, so I'll try to do that tonight.

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