Saturday, September 15, 2007

Kitty prozac

My feline roommate has been been a little traumatized of late. What with all the boxes and total disarray, Mali has detected something is afoot. She's poking around in closets where she has previously had no interest, she's snuggling a LOT closer at night and follows me around the house constantly. Her litterbox revealed that her GI system is maybe perhaps experiencing a little distress too. The kicker was that I went to pet her the other day, and her usually fluffy, silky coat is completely matted. Whether that's stress, or a dislike of the allergen reducer wipes I've begun using recently, she's a mess.

However, for as concerned or stressed as she is during the day, nighttime yields a much bolder, louder, athletic Mali.

Fortunately, I recently read about a product that restores feline bliss:
It's a little plug-in that releases the feline happy pheromone into the air, making cats feel calm and happy. Of course my favorite pet supply store did not have the plug in portion, so I bought a refill bottle and just popped it open for now. I was dubious, but I figured it was worth a try if it was going to reduce the nighttime antics and make the litterbox a happier place.

I think it might actually be working. The past two night have been markedly quiet. I'll be interested to see the effects after I actually plug it into the diffuser.

I think Mali is going to need a haircut to conquer all those matted furballs, but that's a trauma I'll save for another day.

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