Yesterday's major accomplishment at The Dump was to remove the jasmine that was growing wild on the front porch and carport. While it was very pretty when it was in bloom, and I'm sure smelled like heaven, it a) was way too much for the little house and b) needed to come down anyway when it came time for doing the roof. Probably was going to be in the way of wrapping the house for termite fumigation too.
I decided to remove it now rather than wait. I wanted an instant improvement and I definitely got one!
Here is what it looked like a few weeks ago:

And here's what it looks like now:

It was growing up into the roof and was tied on with string and twist-ties and looked like it had never been thinned out. All in all, it was quite a masterpiece of plant gone wild. There are some really thick, woody stalks that I could not cut with my hand pruners, so I'll get some long handled loppers this week to take care of them next weekend to bring them down to ground level. I'm not sure if it will send out new sprouts or if I cut it back enough to kill it. If I didn't kill it, I wouldn't mind having it climb back up, but would definitely do it in a more controlled fashion so it doesn't overpower the little house.
When I have someone out to remove the apple tree, I'll have them limb up the magnolia while they are there. I think that will do a lot to open up the view of the house from the street. Much like trimming shaggy bangs...
We also took a whack at the shed attached at the back of the house, but it wasn't ready to budge, so we left it there.
And I now have a nice, clean living room:

(remember how it looked
on the 5 cent tour?):

And here is an apple-free yard:

Worked on the bathroom yesterday too. That is some persistent soap scum, but it is coming along. No photos of that until it's totally clean so you get the full effect. However, it's cleaning up so nicely, I'll be able to shower there if necessary without getting the heebie jeebies or needing to wear shower shoes.
you had a busy weekend! it looks great though.
SUPER busy weekend! My body hurts big time from all the scrubbing. You should cruise over some evening this week--I'll be out there working on it some more. You won't believe how much better it looks already
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